Aug 26, 2010

A rare Vegas view

Though the mormons running into the Indians here as they were passing though from Salt lake to S.D. is how Vegas got started, it seems so out of place this day n age. This is a big mormon church up on the hill in east Vegas and Im sure has more history to it than I know if, or most anyone for that fact. It is not a typical Las Vegas staple and anyone that I have mentioned it to thats from here has never even been there.
Anywho, this is it....

Aug 20, 2010

Americas largets sand castle competition

 The hUUUge Sand Castle competition in San Diego is something I had always wanted to go to, finally , we made it there. We just happened to be going there that weekend and actually been postponed one week, so it was deff meant to be. 

there were alo of straws being used on the details; I had no idea.

there was some story behind this one

and deff a story behind this one. She is a mom coming back from war.

heres part of us. Eko didn't want to be in our shot. :(

One side of the crowd with S.D in the background. There was a whole other part behind me, and a huge crown on the street to the right, it was never ending.

oh and this was to the left :o

and this was behind me