Jun 20, 2013

the last of it

On the day before our last day we drove up to the rainforst to see Manoa Falls

Half way up there was so much mud it was like a chess game to avoid the insanity, well, if you were me.

Look, I hardly got muddy. I wished I woulda have taken a pic of someone else's muddy ass shoes that came back.

Then we cleaned up and went down to the beach for a sec before we were off to a luau. 
(a typical Waikiki beach- tourists sitting on their surfboards because no one really knows how to surf. Not that I know how, just saying.)

 except that one chick ;)

Oh yes, cocktail time :)

 (^used a cool holga setting on Aspens camera, shoulda left it on)

We had one more day after this but I hardly took any pictures n it mostly consisted of back tracking to go to that one last store I wanted to go to. :o
Then we went to go watch the sunset one last time before it was time to head to back to the desert.  

 Oh pano, why I have I not explored you before

This guy looked all cool riding back in...

 n then I was all happy to get a take two w/ his friend,...and then he failed me...lol :o

 It was fun to play with the different settings on Aspens camera. This one was a pop art setting. It looked totally regular and blah w/out. Many times its not about what camera you have, just knowing how to use the one you do have.

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