Jun 11, 2013

day two AND three in Oahu

On this day we did a SnUba tour, which we thought sounded n looked all cool, but we were fooled.
They looked like this. 
 (we were the only white people on the tour. :o)

..and you floated around on it like this.
That yellow helmet area is complete dry inside, as in your face never gets wet and you breath normal with no mask. The pictures we seen were people riding around on these by themselves with a tube going up to a main device floating up top. Ours would not move and we were directed by these scuba diver guides who basically took you to one spot and you stayed there for 10 min and then the switched sides and took you over to the other spot where you stared at the ocean floor for 10 min. lol.
 It was alot lamer then we'd imagined. 
The view was decent in the first spot

Almost the whole entire group got sea sick like infected zombies. Us whitey's n maybe only two or three Japanese were all good. Kir and I had gone first so then we laid out on the front of the boat while the uninfected ones went. 
(I accidentally took a millasecond movie, might as well include it.)

Our view while we waited wasn't too shabby.

When the tour was over we went back to Waikiki to be tourist and walk all around
I was looking forward to going here cuz I heard and read about it all over, but it was just a bunch of tourist trinket carts with almost all the same things on all of them. (o.O)

There were these cool street performers outside it though

and I appreciated seeing the many murals all over the city

and then  the sea turtle on the walk back

oh and then we came upon this. I coulda stood there forever

and this was my last capture of the day- water going in n out of the city.


On this day we did a kayak tour on the west east side that took us out to a lil island..

my waterproof case had obviously gotten wet. lol (o.O) 

We had gone all the way over to that white sandy beach and back

this is a closer up- that chunk of volcanic rock is called turtle island, of course.

this island we were standing on was more like a chunk of volcanic rock as well, but it is a special breeding ground for this one and only kind of bird so it's kinda unique.  

there were crabs on one side everywhere

She was our guide, Melissa, from Seattle, and molted shell on her- the colors matched the surroundings exactly.

Then we had to tote our kayak back a half mile. 

After that we got cleaned up and went to watch the surfers for a min before we went to a food truck rally called Eat the Streets

You pretty much can't even see them in the crap ipad camera, but there were tons of them down there, like little ants in the big ocean.

(this chick had a film crew following her, she musta been Miss Hawaii or something like this)

After that we went for a few drinks at a place called Dicks that Kir had been wanting to try 

and of course you must take silly awful pictures when drinking

and as you choose which pupu platter you're going to have. (now I know where that came from)

Agh, it was nice to be kid free at times. Often times I missed them and just wished they could see the things too, but times like this I was glad they weren't around. :o

So we could watch the trees catch on fire all by ourselves. lol. just playin. All their torches were right next to them but never catch. Odd.
I was just playin with Aspens camera setting.


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